The second day of our Justice that Works conference centred on the DIS-CONNECTED project, exploring pathways to prevent violence against women and children with disabilities in institutional settings and services. Discussions highlighted various research projects and initiatives that investigate this issue from multiple angles. Participants examined how monitoring efforts can… Read More
Csatlakozzon hozzánk személyesen Budapesten vagy online november 20-án és 21-én a „Jól működő igazságszolgáltatás: Az együttműködés erősítése és újszerű technológiák alkalmazása a gyermekjogok, a fogyatékossági jogok és a nemek közötti egyenlőség érvényesülése érdekében” konferenciára! A kétnapos rendezvény középpontjában a fogyatékkal élő… Read More
In March, Validity achieved a victory for a young man with disabilities when a Hungarian appeals court replaced his guardianship by supports in decision-making. Bence, a 31-year-old Hungarian man, experienced a profound shift in his life following the death of his grandmother, his primary support person,… Read More
Today, in collaboration with the Network of Independent Experts-NIE and the KERA Foundation, the Validity Foundation launched two major reports in Sofia, Bulgaria, during an international conference titled “Unveiling Injustice: Deinstitutionalisation and intersectionality in disability rights.” One of the reports is the outcome of a series… Read More
Validity had the honour of hosting Ivana Jankovic, a passionate young disabled activist, for a week as part of the Youth Leadership Programme organised by the European Network on Independent Living. Joining us from her come country Montenegro, Ivana has been actively involved in the disability rights movement since… Read More
Validity and its ENABLE project* partners spent the previous six months researching the barriers defendants with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities face in the criminal justice process in eight EU countries (BG, CZ, ES, LT, PT, RO, SI, SK). The study included both desk research and field work, and… Read More
On 15 March 2023, the Human Rights Committee, the United Nations body that monitors the implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by its States parties, issued a decision, so-called views, in communication No. 3171/2018 and condemned Bulgaria for violating… Read More
Victims with disabilities face almost insurmountable barriers blocking their access to criminal justice in Europe. They are denied their right to be heard, to tell their story, to give evidence, to seek effective remedies, to understand their rights and the proceedings: “…throughout the whole pre-trial phase the victim was neither… Read More
The justice system and its symbols are scary. In most places, courts are not about justice, they are about power. For anyone, facing these symbols of power is disabling. Start with thinking about de-focusing the power; the focus should be on justice. It is really about the humanisation of the… Read More
On 22 November, the European Court of Human Rights issued a judgment in G.M. and others v. the Republic of Moldova, a case represented by a Moldovan lawyer Violeta Gaşiţoi, which Validity supported as an amicus curiae. The Court found… Read More
The justice system is confusing and intimidating for many victims of crime, but victims with disabilities face almost insurmountable barriers. Research conducted by the Voices for Justice project in 7 EU countries, and brought together in the ‘Humanising Justice’ report published in 2022, found… Read More
In September, the European Court of Human Rights condemned Slovakia for failing to protect the life of a 17-year-old girl with an intellectual disability who almost died in police custody. The victim described being verbally and physically abused by the police while being taken to the… Read More